
The steps to your success…


The Process we Follow

With over 3400 institutions of higher education in the US alone the prospect of finding the right school is a challenge. InterBabel will work with the family to determine the educational needs and expectations,  to develop a realistic plan in order to find the right range of schools to meet those needs. Creating a proper selection requires investigation and research. Based on the input from the family and the student, InterBabel will help develop an appropriate list of institutions with a good range of Reach, Mid-Range and Likely schools to which the student should apply.

Once a list of schools is developed, the application process begins. The application has many downfalls for students. InterBabel will help the student to put together a solid, well developed application. Since applying to schools is a complex process, many things need to be considered: Essays, SAT Tests, TOEFL or IELTS, letters of recommendation and other strategies to maximize success.

InterBabel advises students on all of these aspects or make recommendations on how to improve individual pieces. From SAT Prep companies to academic advising,InterBabel assists to ensure the student prepares and presents the best possible application.

While there are no guarantees, most students, if they follow our advice will have a number of schools to choose from. Surprisingly the most difficult challenge is not choosing where to apply but where to attend.InterBabel will help in this final decision.